Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ubuntu Easter Eggs

Heyyy ... I'm back !!!! This time i've come loaded with great Ubuntu secrets (many of them are owed to Mr. Devesh "DeBeSsSs" Rai)

So ...
1.To begin with , here's how to open the book of mozilla :
In the URL of your Firefox browser , key in "about:mozilla" without the quotes and you'll be taken to the page 1/3 of the Book of Mozilla , which otherwise from Internet Explorer would have redirected to a wonderfully bright BSOD :P ...

2.Open the terminal and run the following and enjoy the responses :
a. apt-get moo
b. aptitude help
c. aptitude moo
d. aptitude -v moo
e. aptitude -vv moo
f. aptitude -vvv moo
g. aptitude -vvvv moo
h. aptitude -vvvvv moo
i. aptitude -vvvvvv moo

3. Press alt+f2 under GNOME, and type in "free the fish" (without the quotes) in the application and see what happens. :D

4. Again press alt+f2 and then type in "gegls from outer space" (without the quotes) and enjoy the game of sapce invaders but with an exception - the game is played with cows !!!! :)

So , enjoy these for now .... will try to bring you more easter eggs soon ...

Take Care ...

1 comment:

Devesh Rai said...

Hey great blog!!

