Have you ever had that awkward moment in life, when all you want to do is to have a chat with someone who would listen, and the ones that always spontaneously pop up into your mind are all busy, coincidentally at that same moment of time, and all you can do is stare at your contacts list ? Funny, right ?
Or the moment when you don't want to say NO to your friends, but have to, for a reason that's difficult to explain to them ? And sometimes even for a reason that you can't really figure out yourself ...
We all have a set of wonderful friends, friends that can seriously do anything for you ... But you'll always have a share of those times they don't understand a bit of what you say and do, and seem to be complete strangers when it comes to your feelings about someone you love ... And its none of their fault ...
There are times when we're lost for answers, and there are times when we're even lost for questions ... You feel bad, and you don't really know why ... You're hurt, and you don't know how ...
We all hate being misunderstood, but do we realise how assumptive we sometimes become of others' behaviours ?
A simple pause in life, just to re-group your thoughts, is required in such situations ... Nothing's wrong, nothing's changed ... The people are good, life is good, everything is gonna be just perfect ... If they hurt you, its probably they didn't understand - make them understand ... If they still don't, move on, it was never the biggest obstacle of your life ...
Always remember, you always have YOU for company ... And yeah, try to avoid falling into a relationship with your best friend ... The lost friendship sometimes hurts more than the lost love ...