Monday, November 24, 2008

DaMn ThEsE eXaMs !!!

Its Mon Nov 24 19:24:21 IST 2008 and i've just logged in to while away some time off my studies ... I'M TIRED !!!!!

No wonder the most popular online forums in our country have the title on the lines of - 'I Hate Our Education System' .... :P

Exams get over and I find myself already burdened with the preparation for my next volley of exams ... Its the same old story as always !!! Don't know why i haven't got used to it yet ... :)

So i've bought myself some nice time off today coz tomorrow's just a practical !!! ;) ... But have to give an extra assignment tomorrow to cover up for the previous marks and the low attendances (i get such oppurtunities being Riteek , you see ?? :D )

Anyways , the TODAY'S FORTUNE tab on my orkut home page shows - " The person who reads your fortune has just been fired. Good luck anyways !!! "

Will catch you guys later with some content-filled posts ... 

Till then ,

Take care .....

1 comment:

Devesh Rai said...

Well it all turned out ok, now, didn't it? ;)
